
Wd have liked to be consulted on Mattei Plan says Faki

Italy OK on new paradigm says AU chief

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 29 - African Union Commission President Moussa Faki said Monday the AU would have liked to be consulted on Italy's ambitious Mattei Plan for Africa, addressing Premier Giorgia Meloni at the Italy Africa Summit at the Senate in Rome.
    "Madam Prime Minister, on the Mattei Plan you propose we would have wished to be consulted," he said in his speech to the summit.
    "Africa is ready to discuss the contours and modalities of implementation.
    "I insist on the need to move from words to deeds, we can no longer be content with promises, often unfulfilled.
    "Italy's stance in favour of a new paradigm of partnership with Africa is highly regarded on the continent," said the former prime minister of Chad. (ANSA).

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