
Schlein, Gentiloni should speak to Degni case says Meloni

Audit Court member urged filibuster to KO budget

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 4 - Centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein and former PD premier Paolo Gentiloni should speak to the case of Marcello Degni, a self-declared left-leaning Audit Court councillor who said the PD should have filibustered the 2024 budget debate in order to trigger an emergency financial administration, since Schlein was the target of Degni's criticism and Gentiloni was the man who appointed him, Premier Giorgia Meloni said in her year end press conference Thursday.
    Degni posted on social media that Schlein should have authorised a filibuster saying "we could have had them foaming at the mouth with anger", referring to the government.
    He has been criticised for effectively calling for a financial crisis while being a top financial judge, and for straying from his officially impartial role, with government parties calling for his head.
    "I have to ask the Left if it is normal that person appointed to impartial posts should behave like a political militant," said Meloni.
    "I expect an answer from Elly Schlein.
    "I was greatly struck that there was no one on the Left who said two words on this: neither Paolo Gentiloni who named him not Elly Schlein, while I myself am called into question for any little thing whatsoever". (ANSA).

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