
Climate protesters dye Venice Grand Canal green

Extinction Rebellion also hang banner from Rialto Bridge

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 9 - Members of the Extinction Rebellion group on Saturday dumped fluorescein, a harmless substance, into Venice's Grand Canal to dye its waters green, in a stunt aimed at highlighting the need to address the climate crisis, while the COP28 conference takes place in Dubai.
    Some of the protesters also used ropes and harnesses to hang from Rialto Bridge and display a banner criticizing the Italian government.
    "'COP28: while the government talks, we hang by a thread," the banner read.
    The protest comes just two days after another climate civil-disobedience group, Ultima Generazione (UG - Last Generation), sprayed a mix of mud and chocolate over Venice's Saint Mark's Basilica. (ANSA).

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