
Obese man spared jail on 30-year term for killing girlfriend

Dimitri Fricano stabbed Erika Preti 57 times in breadcrumbs row

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 11 - A 36-year-old Italian man will be spared from spending the rest of a 30-year term he got in 2019 for murdering his girlfriend in prison because he is morbidly obese and the jail diet would put his life at risk, a Turin surveillance court ruled earlier this week, La Repubblica daily reported Friday.
    Dimitri Fricano, from Biella, killed 28-year-old Erika Preti on a Sardinian holiday in June 2017, stabbing her 57 times because she had scolded him for leaving too many crumbs on the hotel bed.
    The court ruled that Fricano must leave a Turin jail because he is "incompatible with the prison regime" after his weight ballooned from 120 kg at the time of his arrest to over 200, making it very hard for him to get around.
    His incarceration also makes it impossible for him to follow a slimming diet, the judges said.
    Fricano will serve the rest of his time under house arrest in a town near Biella.
    photo: Fricano (left foreground) before his prison weight gain (ANSA).

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