
Three climate activists arrested for blocking Bologna road

Latest act of civil disobedience by Ultima Generazione

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 3 - Three climate activists were arrested Thursday night for blocking the 'tangenziale' beltway road in Bologna.
    The three are part of the Ultima Generazione (Last Generation, UG) civil disobedience climate activist group.
    They were charged with aggravated private violence and damage, and sent to trial November 30.
    UG has staged a series of controversial headline-grabbing protests in the last two years including pouring red liquid over themselves outside Florence cathedral and gluing themselves to the iconic Laocoon statuary group in the Vatican Museums.
    In May this year a protest at the Giro d'Italia by three UG members was thwarted as the trio was dragged away from the road at Meolo near Venice before they could stop a breakaway group of four riders from racing past.
    Earlier that month UG staged another act of civil disobedience to highlight the need to tackle the climate crisis when two protestors covered themselves in mud outside the Senate in Rome.
    Three UG members are currently on trial in Rome for spraying easy-to-wash-off paint over the facade of the Senate in January.
    Last month several UG activists were fined 3,300 euros each for public indecency after stripping naked and blocking traffic in a flash mob on a central Turin bridge.

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