
Incurable newborn can't be transferred to Italy - UK judge

Doctors want to pull plug, Bambino Gesù offered help

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 2 - A judge at the High Court in London has denied the parents of Indi Gregory, an eight-month-old English baby girl seriously ill with an incurable mitochondrial disease and hospitalised at the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham, the possibility of taking her to Italy to continue to keep her alive through the support of machines and avoid her being taken off life support according to the British doctors' intention.
    For Indi's case, the Vatican run Bambino Gesù children's hospital in Rome had come forward and offered to assist her, as it had done in the past for two other British children, but in that case, too, British justice had said 'no'.
    The girl's parents voiced sorrow at the ruling. (ANSA).

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