
EU must respond to internal and external challenges - Meloni

'It will not be a routine European Council meeting'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 25 - Europe must respond to internal and external challenges, Premier Giorgia Meloni told the Senate on Wednesday as she reported to parliament ahead of this week's EU summit in Brussels "The European Union is called to give strong and urgent answers to the difficulties that are challenging it, from inside and outside. It will not be a routine Council" meeting, Meloni said.
    "A world in which there are no longer red lines that cannot be crossed is an unsafe world for everyone, including us, not only for those involved in the conflicts," she continued, adding that "it is no coincidence that there has been no specific condemnation by Russia of the Hamas attack" on Israel.
    This, Meloni said, is why Italy intends to reiterate its "support for the Ukrainian people".
    "We must not make the mistake of weakening support for the Ukrainian cause," she continued, insisting that Italy looks "not only to the present but also to a future of peace, to a European future for Ukraine".
    On the twin digital and green transitions underway in Europe Meloni said Italy supports "reducing dependence on third countries" such as "China" but warned that "imposing the green deal measures in forced stages is an error that risks impacting citizens who could pay the price".
    The premier called for a "pragmatic approach to the transition" so that it is economically and socially "sustainable".
    The risk of a "short-sighted approach" is the "industrial desertification of our continent," she added.
    Meloni also reiterated Italy's position that strategic investments in the twin transitions and in defence need to be decoupled from new fiscal policy measures set out under the revised Stability and Growth Pact currently under discussion.
    The failure to do so would be "a nonsense that risks undermining sustainability and security objectives", she said, adding that Italy will insist on the need to unbundle "all or part of these items", which are "also promoted by Brussels".
    The new fiscal policy rules "must aim at a gradual and sustainable reduction of debt", continued Meloni.
    "Only then can they be credible and enforceable, overcoming the mistakes of the past," she added.
    Talking to reporters after the briefing to parliament, she said the new European Stability Mechanism (ESM) "is not a subject of discussion at the European Council".
    Earlier Eurogroup President Paschal Donohoe reiterated calls for Italy to join its EU partners in ratifying the treaty for the new EU bailout mechanism.
    Italy has been holding out on ratification amid concerns about budget sovereignty and claims the fund should also be used for growth. (ANSA).

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