
Two Italian-Israelis missing, probably taken hostage

Married couple not responding to calls after Hamas attack

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 10 - Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani has said that a married couple with dual Italian-Israeli citizenship are missing after Hamas's attack on Israel at the weekend.
    "They have probably been taken hostage," Tajani told Rai television on Monday.
    "But we are not certain".
    He said the couple lived in the Be'eri kibbutz, near the Gaza Strip, which was attacked by Hamas militants, who killed more than 100 people in the raid and took an unknown number hostage.
    "They are not responding to calls from family," said Tajani, adding that Italy "is working in close contact with Tel Aviv" on the case.
    "We hope to find them but at the moment we don't have any more news," the minister said. (ANSA).

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