
'Explosive' migrant situation is hard to govern - Meloni

Premier stresses importance of Mattei Plan for Africa

Redazione Ansa

(see related) (ANSA) - ROME, OCT 3 - Premier Giorgia Meloni said Tuesday that the situation regarding the arrival of large numbers of migrants from North African was "explosive" and difficult to address.
    The interior ministry said Tuesday that 134,578 people have arrived in Italy so far this year via migrant-boat landings, almost double the 72,252 that arrived in the equivalent period in 2022.
    The premier stressed the importance of the government's Mattei plan to boost energy partnerships with African countries and cooperation on halting migrant flows.
    "It is a strategic project that involves putting many things together - the development of African countries in the face of an explosive situation which makes governing migratory flows extremely difficult," Meloni said at the Festival delle Regioni event in Turin.
    "It means giving Italy back the role it has in the Mediterranean". (ANSA).

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