
Schlein invites Meloni to 'work together' on gender violence

Pd boss calls for investment in prevention as well as repression

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 26 - The secretary of the centre-left opposition Democratic Party (PD) Elly Schlein has invited Premier Giorgia Meloni to "work together" on tackling gender-based violence in Italy.
    "In these days we are reading a lot of tragic news about femicides and episodes of rape and gender violence," said Schlein on the sidelines of a summer Pd event in Modena on Friday evening.
    "I would like to appeal to Premier Giorgia Meloni: this is not an issue where the usual dialectic between political forces can apply," she continued.
    "I would like us all to work together to make the necessary major investments in prevention, in addition to the repressive measures that we have already agreed to work on," continued the Pd leader.
    Schlein added that her appeal was directed at the right-centre majority as a whole "and in particular to the first female president of the council (of ministers)".
    Italy is seeing a spate of femicides, while two incidences of alleged gang rape in Palermo and Caivano near Naples have also recently grabbed headlines.
    "If we look at these latest episodes, we are dealing with very young victims and perpetrators, which means that the culture of rape is taking hold in this country, even among the youngest generations," said Schlein.
    "We cannot allow this to happen, meaning that we must intervene before this culture and this sexist prejudice and misplaced idea of the right to own a woman's body takes root," she continued.
    Schlein called for a significant investment in education in differences, starting from schools.
    "This has been done in other European countries and it has helped to change this culture to prevent gender-based violence in all its forms, which unfortunately affects many women every day in this country and not only in this country," she said.
    "Can we manage to work together on this issue to make a major investment that begins in schools and eradicates this patriarchal prejudice concerning the right to own a woman's body - a right that does not exist and which generates violence even among the youngest?" asked Schlein. (ANSA).

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