
Gang rape suspect breaks down in tears before GIP

'I've ruined my life' says youth, garners support on TikTok

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 22 - One of seven youths suspected of gang raping a 19-year-old woman in Palermo on July 7 broke down in tears in front of the preliminary investigations judge (GIP) in the Sicilian capital Tuesday saying "I've ruined my life".
    "I am saddened by what happened, I apologise to the girl and her family. I went back together with the 17-year-old boy to help her. But I was told that the girl was consenting,' said Christian Maronia, 19.
    In the last few hours, a profile of Maronia was opened on TikTok where six videos supporting him were posted, one saying "When all of Italy blames you for something private, but no one knows that you were dragged into it by your friends".
    Meanwhile Italian rapper Ermal Meta explained his tweets calling for exemplary punishment in the case Monday, saying: "When you suffer a rape that pain lasts forever. What I wrote was dictated by anger". (ANSA).

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