
One of the most difficult days in decades - Musumeci

Climate crisis demands a step change says civil defence minister

Redazione Ansa

(see related stories) (ANSA) - ROME, JUL 25 - Italy is experiencing one of the most difficult days in decades, Civil Protection Minister Nello Musumeci said on Tuesday.
    "In Italy we are experiencing one of the most complicated days in recent decades: cloudbursts, tornadoes, hail in the North; torrid heat and devastating fires in the Centre-South," said the minister.
    "As we mourn the three victims of these 24 hours, I feel I must thank the fire brigade, the civil protection management and volunteers, the police force, the forestry workers and all those who have mobilised in the most difficult situations in these last few hours," he continued.
    "The climate upheaval demands a step change from all of us, with no alibis for anyone.
    "But today let us deal with containing the damage. And there is a lot!" said Musumeci. (ANSA).

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