
There are suspects in Cutro shipwreck investigation

Members of rescue system that allegedly failed to rescue boat

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 1 - A number of people are reportedly under investigation by the Crotone Public Prosecutor's Office in order to ascertain responsibility for the failure to rescue a boat loaded with migrants that crashed, due to the force of the sea, a few dozen metres from the shore at Cutro in Calabria on 26 February with 94 confirmed victims and an unspecified number of missing, judicial sources said Thursday.
    The people who have been in the register of suspects are reportedly members of the rescue system that should have been activated to help the migrants after the boat was detected crossing the Mediterranean, the sources said.
    This is why Crotone prosecutors ordered a search Thursday of the Rome offices of EU border agency Fontex, the Guardia di Finanza tax police and the Italian Coast Guard, they said. (ANSA).

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