
Schinas says Wagner 'accessory' in migrant crisis

Real cause is people seeking better life says EC VP

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 14 - European Commission Vice President and Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life Margaritis Schinas said Tuesday that the Russian Wagner mercenary group was an accessory in the migrant crisis, answering a question on whether he shared the Italian government's concern over Wagner's operations in Africa driving migrants across the Mediterranean towards Italy and Europe.
    "What causes migration is the fact that in countries of origin and transit it is necessary to create the conditions for a better life and stop people entrusting their lives to traffickers," he said in Strasbourg.
    "As for Wagner, that is an accessory. The cause of migration is that people flee wars and persecutions or flee for a better life". (ANSA).

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