
Climate group throw flour over Andy Warhol car in Milan

Ultima Generazione glue themselves to race car painted by artist

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 18 - Protestors from the Ultima Generazione group threw bags of flour over a car painted by Andy Warhol that is on show in Milan on Friday as part of their campaign of civil disobedience to highlight the need to address the climate crisis.
    Two of the protestors then glued themselves to the car at the Fabbrica del Vapore complex while others smashed paint-filled balloons on the floor and glued themselves to it.
    The show features an BMW car painted by the Pop Art master that took part in the 24 Hours of Le Mans race.
    Ultima Generazione have staged a series of controversial protests to wake people up about the looming environmental collapse.
    These have included blocking rush-hour traffic in big cities, disrupting people using private flights, spraying paint over the offices of institutions linked to fossil fuels and stunts like Friday's involving important works of art.
    Ultima Generazione is demanding the immediate halt to the reopening of decommission coal plants and the scrapping of new gas-drilling projects in Italy.
    It also wants the government to take action to increase the energy generated by renewables in Italy by at least 20GW each year.
    Ultima Generazione is part of the A22 network of climate civil-disobedience groups active in several countries, such as Just Stop Oil in the UK, Stop Old Growth in Canada, Derniere Renovation in France and Declare Emergency in the United States.

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