
Berlusconi acquitted in one bunga bunga bribery case

Neapolitan singer Apicella also cleared of perjury

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 17 - A Rome court on Thursday acquitted Silvio Berlusconi of bribing a Neapolitan singer to lie about the three-time ex-premier and media magnate's bunga bunga parties.
    The court also cleared the singer and friend of the former premier, Mariano Apicella, for alleged perjury.
    The case was one of several regarding the alleged suborning of witnesses to the parties, which Berlusconi has always said were "elegant soirées".
    They all take their name from a Moroccan teen runaway and exotic dancer, Karima El Mahroug, who went by the stage name of Ruby Heartstealer and who Berlusconi paid for sex.
    The billionaire mogul was cleared of paying for sex with a minor after judges ruled he could not have known Ruby, who he claimed was then Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak's niece, was only 17 at the time. (ANSA).

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