
Draghi agenda should live on - young industrialists

Di Stefano calls for competence, responsibility from new govt

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 14 - Riccardo Di Stefano, the head of the young entrepreneurs section of industrial association Confindustria, said Friday that outgoing Premier Mario Draghi's approach to government should continue after he has left office.
    "While some have called it the Draghi agenda, we call it the Italy agenda," Di Stefano told the conference of Confindustria's 'Giovani Imprenditori' in Capri.
    "It is a method, a substance of government guided by seriousness, concreteness and responsibility that should not be shelved.
    "We hope for a stable ruling coalition that is capable of responding to the emergencies that Italy faces and keep the country united.
    "We ask authoritativeness, competence and responsibility of the government in order to face the energy shock and contribute to building a stronger country". (ANSA).

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