
Segre presides over 1st Senate session, refers to Shoah in moving speech

Holocaust survivor also mentions 100th anniversary of March on Rome

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 13 - Holocaust Survivor and Life Senator Liliana Segre got a standing ovation on Thursday as she referred to the Shoah in a speech as she presided over the first session in the Senate of the new parliament.
    "I am especially excited about the role that today has in store for me," said the 92-year-old Auschwitz survivor, who is the provisional president of the Upper House on the basis of seniority until a new Speaker is elected.
    "It has come about that someone precisely like me has to temporarily take the presidency of this temple of democracy, the Senate of the Republic, this October, in which falls the 100th anniversary of the March on Rome that started the Fascist dictatorship.
    "And the symbolic value of this coincidence is amplified in my mind because, in my day, school started in October.
    "And it is impossible for me not to feel a sort of vertigo recalling that, on a day like this in 1938, that same girl, lost and full of sorrow, who was forced by the Racial Laws to leave her elementary school desk empty, is today, due to a strange twist of destiny, at the most prestigious desk in the Senate".

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