
Winter is coming back to Italy

Cold snap set to hit country after balmy holidays

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 4 - Winter is coming back to Italy after the country basked in sunshine over the holiday period.
    Heavy rain and snow over low ground will hit Italy on Wednesday as a cold front moves in form northern Europe, pushing out the African anticyclone that has brought unseasonably warm weather to the country recently.
    Stefano Ghetti, meteorologist at the website, warns that the rainy front will hit start moving in on Tuesday night.
    On Wednesday the unstable front, fed by cold currents of air on high and pushed by strong libeccio and sirocco winds, will impact the north with widespread rain moving from Lombardy to the northeast, and particularly strong in Friuli.
    Snow will again fall in the Alps below 600 metres, giving the Dolomites a heavy sprinkling, Ghetti said.
    The icy bora wind will sweep the Triveneto Wednesday night and precipitation will become more accentuated, with snow falling on low ground in Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Emilia.
    The storm front will also hit the centre of Italy with Tuscany, Umbria and the inland parts of Lazio the most badly affected.
    Cold northerly winds will sweep in on Thursday, the feast of the Epiphany, cleaning the skies in the north and bringing more instability to the centre, while starting to sully the skies in the south, Ghetti said.
    In the following days the cold snap will spread across the whole of the country, both at night and during the day, with widespread frost in the north and in inland areas of the centre, while rain and snow will hit the south. (ANSA).

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