
Italy's mayors irked by govt's new anti-COVID measures

Conte accused of shifting responsibility to local authorities

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 19 - Mayors in many parts of Italy have objected to a package of new measures aimed at combatting the spread of COVID-19 approved by Premier Giuseppe Conte's government, saying it asks too much of local authorities.
    In a bid to prevent people contracting the disease while out socializing, city and town mayors will have the power to close squares and other areas where groups gather at night at 21:00.
    "The government wanted to shift the responsibility of the curfews onto mayors," Bari Mayor Antonio Decaro, the head of local authorities association ANCI, told Radio Capital.
    "It's not acceptable that the mayors have to be the ones who close the squares and streets of night life".
    Turin Mayor Chiara Appendino said the closure of streets and squares in this way "cannot be the job of individual administrations".
    She said such a move would have to be agreed with other regional authorities and public institutions, adding that local police forces on their own would not be able to impose these closures.
    Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia denied trying to shift responsibility for unpopular measures.
    "The provision regarding the mayors has been softened," Boccia told Rainews24.
    "If there is a place that needs to be closed in a city, the mayor decides.
    "The mayors know that the State is at their side 24 hours a day".
    The decree also says that restaurants and pubs will not be able to serve people at the bar after 18:00 and they will have to close if they are unable to provide table service after this time.
    They had already been forced to close at midnight in a previous decree.
    High schools will not be allowed to open before 09:00 as of Wednesday in a bid to ease pressure on public-transport services during the morning rush hour and prevent overcrowding.
    Distance learning is to be increased too.
    Local festivals and trade fairs have been banned but events of a national scale have not.
    The government has intensified its restrictions on amateur contact sport, with non-professional clubs barred from playing games for team sports, although they can still train.
    Apart from the high-school opening-time provision, the measures come into effect on Monday and will remain in force until November 13. (ANSA).

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