
Cabinet set to make masks compulsory outdoors

No new lockdown in sight says Conte

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 5 - A cabinet meeting on Monday is set to make wearing face masks outdoors compulsory across Italy but there are no new lockdowns in sight, Premier Giuseppe Conte said Monday..
    Lazio, the region around Rome, has already taken the face mask measure, at the weekend.
    Several other restrictions are set to be approved after a rise in COVID cases nationwide and several local clusters.
    Restaurants, bars and clubs will be ordered to close early and private parties will be restricted to a small number, government sources said.
    The measures will come into effect, sources aid, once the cabinet decree is approved by parliament.
    Meanwhile the government reactivated its coronavirus task force, which led lockdown measures, on Monday.
    Among the new clusters was an outbreak at Terracina south of Rome.
    There are unconfirmed reports that it may have been linked to a rally by nationalist opposition leader Matteo Salvini of the anti-migrant and euroskeptic League party.
    Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri said "there should not be a new national lockdown, but controls should be made more rigorous".
    Conte said "I do not see another lockdown on the horizon".
    Meanwhile Education Minister Lucia Azzolina praised teachers for their "excellent" work after schools reopened last month.
    "They have done a great job on school safety", she said.
    In Campania, the region around Naples, Governor Vicenzo De Luca issued an ordinance ordering bars, restaurants and clubs to close at 23:00 from Sunday to Thursday and at midnight on Friday and Saturday.
    Naples Mayor Luigi de Magistris said the new measure would increase the likelihood of these businesses being taken over by the mafia. (ANSA).

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