
Order to kill dangerous bear suspended by court

Environmental and animal rights groups hail 'historic' victory

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 10 - The TAR administrative court in Trento on Friday suspended an order by the provincial government to capture and eliminate a bear that is considered dangerous after it attacked two people last month on Monte Peller, in the Non Valley.
    A number of environmental and animal-rights associations, LAV, WWF, LAC, LIPU and LNDC, appealed to the court against the order to kill the animal, a 14-year-old female that has been named JJ4.
    They hailed the ruling as "historic".
    The bear, which has also been nicknamed Gaia, was identified thanks to traces of DNA found on the clothes of the people who were attacked, one of whom suffered a leg injury.
    The court said that before the animal is killed - which is an option according to the Pacobace bear-management protocol if it is dangerous - the Province of Trento must attempt other measures, such as its capture and confinement, and the installation of a tracking collar.
    "JJ4-Gaia is safe, at least for the moment," said LAV (the anti-vivisection league) via social media.
    "But there will be other hearings. Together with our lawyers, we will do everything so that it can be safe forever".
    Environment Minister Sergio Costa has said that he intends to challenge the order to eliminate the bear signed by Province of Trento President Maurizio Fugatti.
    It is estimated that there are between 82 and 93 bears in the province, not including cubs.
    Fugatti, a member of the rightwing League party, said this is too many for co-existence with the people living in the area.
    "The minister should tell us where to take the dangerous bears and the surplus bears," Fugatti said after Friday's ruling.
    "We'll even pay the transport costs but he must tell us where to take it. We are working to capture it.
    "The number (of bears) we have is more than we can manage.
    "It is a good thing that the minister is intervening by we don't want to wait for another Trentino to be attacked by a bear".

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