
Marche region celebrates 50th anniversary, remembering the past, looking to the future

Sassoli sends video-message to celebratory session of regional assembly

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 8 - Fifty years have passed since the Italian people elected ordinary-statute regional councils for the first time and the swearing-in of the Marche legislative assembly on July 6, 1970.
    This anniversary was celebrated in the regional assembly hall in Ancona with a sober ceremony, featuring many memories from the past, along with a message of confidence and hope for the future.
    "Marche would not be the enterprising, dynamic community it is, with a good level of quality of life and prosperity, without the work done by the regional government over the last 50 years," said Antonio Mastrovincenzo, the president of the regional assembly.
    He recalled "many difficult moments, ranging from earthquakes to the economic crisis and the pandemic, but we have always been capable of starting over.
    "Now we must look to the new challenges that are in store for us with confidence - the post-earthquake reconstruction, 4.0 training and employment, innovation in our welfare system, the fight against inequality and environmental sustainability," he continued.
    "All this has the European horizon as its backdrop, within which the region must construct an identity of its own in order to continue to play a leading role".
    Those words were echoed in a video-message sent by European Parliament President David Sassoli.
    "The Europe that emerges from this emergency will certainly be stronger, more capable and more resilient," Sassoli said.
    "Regions, cities and the intermediate entities have shown themselves to be the backbone of the union in the recent difficulties.
    "Marche, in particular, is a symbol of healthy federalism distinguished by solidarity".
    The various stages of the growth and consolidation of the region's social and economic fabric, which was supported by the regional government, were recreated via a documentary entitled "Quando nasceva la Regione Marche. Le Marche tra anni Sessanta e Settanta" (When the Marche Region was Founded. Marche in the 1960s and 1970s) and a study by the Istituto Storia Marche entitled "Le Marche 1970-2020. La Regione e il territorio" (Marche 1970-2020.The Region and the Territory).
    Regional Governor Luca Ceriscioli said the last five years had been a period "of great change" and that the next five "will be extremely interesting, with a new DNA and a new mission" with the possibility of major investments with European funding.
    Two councillors from the first term of the regional assembly, Giacomo Mombello and Giuseppe Quercetti, took part in the ceremony, which featured a musical performance, along with many former councillors, assembly presidents and governors.
    The celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Marche Region continue on Friday, July 10 at 17:30 at Ancona's Mole Vanvitelliana complex with the inauguration of an exhibition entitled "La Regione racconta le Marche" (The Region Tells Marche's Story), created in collaboration with ANSA. (ANSA).

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