
WHO official blasts Naples Cup-win celebrations

Dr Ranieri Guerra says Napoli fans were reckless

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUN 18 - A World Health Organization (WHO) official has blasted the celebrations that took place on the streets of Naples after Napoli beat Juventus on Wednesday in the Italian Cup final.
    Big crowds of fans went out to celebrate with little regard for the respect of social distancing and other rules to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
    Dr Ranieri Guerra, the WHO's Assistant Director-General for Strategic Initiatives, said the fans' behaviour was "reckless".
    He also compared the celebrations to the Champions League match in Milan between Atalanta and Valencia in February, which is thought to have had a major role in spreading the virus in Italy early in the pandemic.
    "I wouldn't like that to happen again," said Dr Guerra. "Seeing those images hurts".
    League leader Matteo Salvini was critical too and singled out Campania Governor Vincenzo De Luca, who took a tough stance on implementing lockdown measures at the height of the coronavirus emergency.
    "I wonder where De Luca was," Salvini said.
    "I'm happy for (Napoli coach Rino) Gattuso and for Napoli but something did not work.
    "He broke my balls about my selfies but yesterday there were several thousands of fans (out)".
    Naples Mayor Luigi de Magistris:played down the row.
    "Yesterday the winner was the contagion of happiness," he said.

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