
Calabrian towns rebel over reopening of bars and restaurants

Mayors say will obey govt decree putting off reopening till June

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Reggio Calabria, April 30 - Several Calabrian towns and cities said Thursday they would disobey a regional government order to reopen bars and restaurants with outside tables from today.
    Mayors in Reggio Calabria, Lamezia Terme, Trebisacce, Carlopoli, and other towns in the southern region said they would defy centre-right Governor Jole Santelli's order to reopen facilities with outside service.
    They said they would obey a central government decree saying that eateries and bars should not reopen until June apart from takeaway services.
    Meanwhile Interior Undersecretary Achille Variati said the government led by Premier Giuseppe Conte would probably seek an injunction against Santelli's move.
    The head of the municipalities and mayors group ANCI, Bari Mayor Antonio Decaro, said the mayors were tired of governor's "seeking the limelight" and that towns and cities would "accept the challenge" if the regions wanted one.

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