
More Italians emigrating, fewer arrivals from Africa - ISTAT

Some 816,000 Italians have moved abroad over last decade

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, December 16 - The number of Italians to emigrate increased last year while arrivals from Africa decreased, ISTAT said on Monday.
    The national statistics agency said 157,000 people left Italy to move abroad in 2018, an increase of 1.2% on 2017.
    It said almost two-thirds of those people, 117,000, were Italian nationals. It said the number of new migrants arriving in Italy was 332,000, a 3.2% drop on 2017. ISTAT said that 816,000 Italians have moved abroad over the last 10 years and three out of four of them had a medium-high level of education.

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