
Jordan: husband blinds wife, protests in Amman

Harsher laws urged for domestic violence

Redazione Ansa

(ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, NOVEMBER 18 - A domestic abuse case in the Jordanian city of Jerash, where a mother of three children was blinded by her husband during a fight, has sparked outrage.
    The Jordanian Times reported that on Saturday, thanks to an initiative by the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), hundreds of people protested in front of the office of the prime minister, calling for harsher laws in domestic abuse cases.
    ''Justice for Fatmeh'' chanted demonstrators, referring to the abuse victim. ''We want harsher laws to defend victims of domestic abuse. No to weddings with minors'', said protesters.
    Images published online showed demonstrators blindfolded with black cloth: ''This is for your eyes, Fatmeh''. Jordan Times reported that the woman's husband risks to be indicted for attempted murder.(ANSAmed).

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