
Minimum wage to be linked to bargaining - Catalfo

Existing law will take its course, won't be in budget-labour min

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, September 9 - Labour Minister Nunzia Catalfo said Monday that a new minimum wage must be linked to collective bargaining.
    "The minimum wage must be closely related to collective bargaining," she told reporters in the House during a confidence debate on the new government led by Premier Giuseppe Conte.
    She said the new minimum wage would not be put into the next budget, with an existing bill allowed to take its course instead.
    Catalfo would not be drawn upon whether the wage would be nine euros, or higher.
    Catalfo is a member of the senior government partner, the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S).
    The junior partner is the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).
    The two main partners are joined in Conte's government by the small leftwing Free and Equal /LeU) party.

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