
Haters target new farm minister

Bellanova mocked for dress, middle-school certificate

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, September 6 - Social media haters have targeted new Agriculture Minister Teresa Bellanova because of her allegedly low academic qualifications and her personal appearance at the swearing-in of Premier Giuseppe Conte's new executive on Thursday.
    Bellanova, 61, of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), worked as a farm labourer in her youth and only managed to get a middle-school leaving certificate.
    She has since devoted much of her time as a trade unionist to fighting the gangmasters that exploit farm labourers, especially seasonal migrant workers in the south of Italy.
    Bellanova "only has a middle school certificate, where does she think she's coming from" said one hater on Facebook.
    The haters also targeted the big, billowy fringed blue dress that Bellanova wore at the swearing-in ceremony with President Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinal Palace.
    Former MP Daniele Capezzone joined the ironic comments on social media saying "Carnival? Halloween?".
    PD deputy leader Andrea Orlando reacted by saying "I'm proud that the PD has brought a former farm labourer to the government of the country.
    "Bellanova has a middle-school certificate but she has studied at the university of social struggle.
    "She often has ideas very different from mine but the reasons why she is being insulted are those for which I respect her even more".
    PD leader Nicola Zingaretti said: "With Teresa Bellanova.
    Without ifs or buts. I and all the PD".
    Former House Speaker Laura Boldrini said "those who don't have arguments behave like this. They attack you on your dress, shoes, hair, weight. They attack the body thinking they'll make you suffer but perhaps they don't have any idea of what kind of person you are and what your mettle is. A hug, Teresa! #TeresaBellanova".
    Bellanova hit back at the haters herself, saying she had felt like wearing something bold and optimistic.
    "True elegance is respecting one's state of mind," she said.
    "I felt enthusiastic yesterday, electric blue with fringes, and so I presented myself like that.
    "As sincere as a woman. #somethingblue."

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