
Oseghale admits to chopping up Pamela, but not murder

Nigerian says 18-year-old died of overdose

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Ascoli Piceno, July 31 - Innocent Oseghale, the 29-year-old Nigerian accused of murdering Pamela Mastropietro in Macerata in January, has admitted to chopping up the 18-year-old Roman woman's body but not to her homicide, sources said on Tuesday.
    Mastropietro's dismembered body was found in two suitcases near to Macerata.
    Oseghale is accused of homicide and of the charges of trying to hide a body and contempt for a human corpse.
    During questioning in English with investigators at Marino del Tronto jail, Oseghale said Mastropietro died of a drugs overdose at his home and he cut up her body as part of an attempt to get rid of it. Oseghale also denied raping Mastropietro and cleared his compatriot Desmond Lucky, saying he was alone with the woman when she died.

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