
Raggi meeting M5S councillors on Roma stadium

'No one cares about Rome' Parnasi in wiretap

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, June 19 - Rome Mayor Virginia Raggi is meeting councillors from her 5-Star Movement (M5S) on Tuesday to discuss AS Roma's project to build a new stadium, which has been hit by a major corruption probe. On Monday Raggi was summoned by prosecutors for a second time to be questioned about the case, over which nine people were arrested last week.
    Neither Raggi nor the Serie A club are suspected of any wrongdoing.
    Among the arrested people was Luca Lanzalone, the former president of water and energy utility ACEA who also acted as consultation for Raggi's administration on the stadium project for a spell.
    On Monday Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede, also a M5S member, appeared to contradict Raggi about how Lanzalone had come to have his position, saying that "we introduced him" but the mayor chose him.
    Ex-premier and former Democratic Party (PD) leader Matteo Renzi attacked Bonafede on Tuesday, with a play on words about his surname, which translates as 'good faith'.
    "It is a shame that Minister Bonafade, who is reality is 'Malafede' (bad faith) given the way he behaves, said that he won't come to parliament to respond on the matter," Renzi said. Luca Parnasi, a construction businessman who was also arrested, expressed frustration at the political and bureaucratic problems linked to project in wiretaps of a conversation that are part of the investigation documents.
    "These lot think about their political butts, they don't think about Rome, no one cares," Parnasi said to one of his staff members after the project was held up by a negative environmental impact assessment. "We have to say how things should be".

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