
Minniti vows to catch protesters who hurt Carabiniere (2)

'We shall not rest' until culprits in Piacenza attack found

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Bologna, February 12 - Interior Minister Marco Minniti on Monday vowed "not to rest" until the leftists who attacked and injured a Carabiniere in Piacenza on Saturday are caught.
    "We will not stop until we have identified the culprits," Minniti said after visiting the injured officer at his barracks in Bologna.
    The policeman was surrounded and attacked on the ground by leftist and anticapitalist squatters from so-called 'social centres" protesting the opening of a chapter of the neo-Fascist CasaPound group in Piacenza.
    The officer has drawn sympathy from all political sides.
    Matteo Renzi, leader of Minniti's Democratic Party (PD) said Monday "those who attack police are criminals".

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