
Dj Fabo 'agony' video shown at trial

Parents, prosecutor tearful

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, December 13 - A video showing the suffering of an Italian blind and tetraplegic ex-DJ who committed assisted suicide in Switzerland was shown Wednesday at the trial of Radical party member and right-to-die activist Marco Capputo for helping him kill himself.
    The parents of Fabiano Antoniani aka Dj Fabo watched with tears in their eyes, as did the prosecutor, as a video by satirical TV show Le Iene showed his agony, including a respiratory crisis.
    Dj Fabo was heard saying "I'll go away with a smile because I live in pain".
    Earlier this month Fabo's girlfriend Valeria told the court his death earlier this year was a victory of sorts.
    "You must not feel defeated, this is a victory for me," Fabo said before he went to the clinic in Switzerland where he took his life, the woman told Cappato's trial.
    "He felt alive and useful with his public battle (for the right to die)," she said, fighting back the tears.
    "'Now I will be energy in the universe' he said".

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