
Italy, Canada see eye-to-eye on all points - Mattarella

President meets Trudeau in Ottawa

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Ottawa, June 28 - Italy and Canada see eye-to-eye on "all the important points on the international agenda," President Sergio Mattarella told Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Wednesday in Ottawa, saying it was an occasion "to reaffirm and further develop the great friendship existing between our two countries".
    Trudeau said Mattarella's weeklong visit was confirmation of the "very close ties and the great friendship between Italy and Canada".
    He underscored in particular the rapport struck up with Premier Paolo Gentiloni, "whom I had the pleasure of seeing in Sicily at the G7 in Taormina and in a long bilateral talk in Rome". Trudeau also stressed to Mattarella the importance of a visit that falls when Canada is celebrating its 150th anniversary.

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