
CONSIP PD motion passed, MDP not

Grasso makes no change to agenda after PD call for postponement, declares Lotti part of MDP motion inadmissible.

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, June 20 - Votes on motions related to civil-service procurement agency CONSIP, which is at the centre of a corruption probe,  went ahead after Senate Speaker Pietro Grasso opted not to change the assembly's agenda.

A motion from the majority Democratic Party (PD) was passed but a motion from the small leftwing splinter MDP group failed.

Luigi Zanda, the Senate whip for Premier Paolo Gentiloni's Democratic Party, had called for the debate to be postponed until after the  new CONSIP assembly on June 27 and the appointment of new chiefs.
    That call was made after Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan said that the CONSIP board was considered to have quit after two individual board members resigned in a letter to Grasso. The votes are expected to take place later on Tuesday.

 Grasso has declared inadmissible the part of a motion presented by the left-wing MDP party calling for Sports Minister Luca Lotti to be suspended. Lotti, who is in under investigation in the case, denies any wrongdoing. The MDP is a splinter group of Premier Paolo Gentiloni's centre-left Democratic Party (PD) that is part of the ruling coalition.

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