
De Bortoli says sure of sources in Boschi case (2)

'I collect libel suits' says former Corriere editor

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, May 10 - Journalist Ferruccio de Bortoli said Wednesday he was "absolutely tranquil and sure of the reliability of my sources" in writing in a new book that Cabinet Secretary Maria Elena Boschi asked former Unicredit CEO Federico Ghizzoni to weigh buying the troubled Etruria bank where her father was vice president. "I did not speak of pressure, it was reported to me by a source close to Unicredit," he said, adding that he welcomed libel suits, saying "I collect them". De Bortoli added, of the Corriere della Sera newspaper which he formerly edited, "Corriere has broad shoulders...I have never been soft on (ex-premier Matteo) Renzi, I don't think I ever cut him slack". De Bortoli's book, Strong Powers, Or Almost, was presented by publishers RCS Media Group at a Milan theatre Wednesday.

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