
Common vision with Canada on free trade - Gentiloni

Terrorists want to affect French vote

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 21 - Premier Paolo Gentiloni said at an Ottawa press conference with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Friday that Italy and Canada shared "a common vision on free trade". He said that rights, the open society, international dialogue and free trade were interconnected.
    Gentiloni said that terrorists like the man who killed a French policeman Thursday wanted to "have an impact on Sunday's presidential election there". He said terrorists aimed to "change our ways of living and voting".
    But one should never "confuse" immigration and terrorism, Gentiloni warned.
    As for claims that NGOs were somehow helping migrant traffickers, Gentiloni said this was up the judiciary to establish, and in the meantime no "shadows should be thrown" on them.
    Gentiloni said he had spoken to French President Francois Hollande and had "reiterated to him our solidarity" over Thursday night's Paris terror attack that killed a policeman.
    Gentiloni said that he hoped the results of Sunday's French presidential election "strengthen EU prospects". He said this was up to the French people "and not the Italian government".

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