
Social emergencies eyed in Italy-Vatican talks (2)

Stronger Italy role, persecution of Christians

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, February 14 - Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said after Vatican-Italian talks marking the anniversary of the Lateran Pacts Tuesday that "all the issues that Italy and the Holy See hold dear were tackled, in the sense of being attentive to people's needs, to social emergencies" such as jobs, young people and migration. "There is concern" on these issues," he said.
    Parolin emerged from the talks saying that he had voiced "concern" over an end-of-life bill now before parliament. "More space for dialogue between doctors and patients is needed," he said.
    The talks focused on Italy's stronger role on the international scene and the need for the EU to rediscover its founding values to be relaunched, as well as the persecution of Christians around the world, sources said. Youth unemployment, and the need for Europe to find a new strategy to reduce it, was also part of the talks.

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