
End-of-life bill to hit House floor Jan 30

'Balanced' proposal introduces living will, 'not euthanasia'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, January 12 - A controversial bill on end-of-life provisions will hit the floor of the Lower House on January 30, it emerged on Thursday.
    The bill introduces the living will, namely the possibility for people to state their wishes for end-of-life medical care in the event they become unable to communicate their decisions.
    "It is not euthanasia," Socialist (PSI) MP Pia Locatelli, coordinator of the inter-party group (Intergruppo) for euthanasia and the living will, said. "The very well balanced and we hope that it will have broad support," she continued.
    "The aim is to arrive at a good law before the end of the current parliament and put an end to the legislative vacuum which today is often filled by court rulings," Locatelli.
    The right-wing Northern League announced a large number of amendments aimed at blocking the provisions.
    Conservative Catholics have said they will fight the bill as hard as they can.

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