
Inventors showcase innovations in Venice

From anti-theft device for bikes to resins for Venice

Redazione Ansa

    (ANSA) - Venice, October 17 - A wide number of innovations conceived by inventors ranging from a scuba diver who wants to help preserve Venice to a former bank manager who wants to fight bicycle thefts were on display in Venice's Pala Expo over the weekend as part of the D-Nest International Inventors Exhibition.
    Inventors who showcased their groundbreaking discoveries at the October 13-16 event also included an entrepreneur who tries to help his friends in their daily working lives and a man who went out of his way to win a bet made with family while picking chestnuts.
    Roberto Padoan, a 57-year-old Venetian who has worked for years as a scuba diver in the lagoon city, said his office is in his head - "when I see a problem I immediately try to find a way to solve it".
    While working as a scuba diver, he has discovered a passion for innovation, developing ideas with his son.
    He has obtained a patent for a system to clean lagoon water from silt in order to make it transparent and help maintenance work, then ecological resins to consolidate foundations and make them more water resistant.
    The system also works for buildings, monuments, roads, rail lines, dams and galleries, Padoan said.
    Another inventor, Marco Pracca, is a former director at Deutsche Bank in Milan who has now retired and decided to develop the idea of a friend, Dino Monteleone, a mechanic. "Together, we have developed an anti-theft system for bicycles, a small universal mechanical device that blocks pedals and opens and closes with a simple key", he said.
    "I was fascinated with the idea. I immediately took action to find collaborators and test the system first-hand".
    Another invention showcased in Venice - a machine that whips cream, mayonnaise and other delicacies - was also invented thanks to a friendship.
    Stefano Lunazzi, an entrepreneur who deals in street signs, used a kind of pistol similar to the one used to paint road stripes for food.
    "I had initially built a similar device to help a friend who is a hair stylist with peroxide, then the air that got into a broken tube set me off: I understood that I could use the same mechanism to whip emulsions in the kitchen", he said.
    And designer kitchens could also include in the future the so-called 'Roncoletta del Doge', a device that cuts chestnuts before they are cooked.
    An entrepreneur in the metal-mechanic sector from the northern city of Vicenza, Sergio Luccietto, invented it almost as a joke, to win a bet he made with family while chestnut picking.
    He is now thinking of producing personalized pieces built on demand with deluxe materials.

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