
Pope recalls 'heartbreaking human suffering' seen on Lesbos

Civiltà Cattolica says thousands of migrant children go missing

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Vatican City, May 13 - Pope Francis on Friday said that during his recent visit to migrants on the Greek island of Lesbos, he witnessed "heartbreaking experiences of human suffering, especially of families and children".
    "The refugee crisis, the proportions of which are growing every day, is one of those to which I feel particularly close," Pope Francis said at an audience with the Centesimus Annus Foundation.
    Domingo Sugranyes Bickel, president of the foundation, said this year the group would donate its charity money to the cause of migrant children. The May 28 issue of Catholic journal Civiltà Cattolica includes an editorial dedicated to migrant children.
    It said that at least 40% of migrants are children, and that thousands of them go missing from reception centres.

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