
Net closing on Mafia boss Messina Denaro with arrests

Fugitive Cosa Nostra head used code, messages to communicate

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, August 3 - With Monday's arrests of 11 of his key supporters, the net is closing on fugitive Cosa Nostra Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro, police said after dawn raids in Sicily.
    They revealed that Messina Denaro, on the run since 1993, used the same sort of coded message system as his predecessor Bernardo Provenzano.
    The messages, written on tiny scraps of paper called 'pizzini', used codes that referred to various farm practices and animals for communications among Denaro and his lieutenants, police said Monday.
    They added this was the same sort of the 'pizzini' method used by Cosa Nostra's Provenzano before his arrest in 2006 and suspected subsequent hand-off to Messina Denaro. The messages, with references to "pigs", "fertilizer" and "beans" were bound with Scotch tape, to be read and destroyed within a defined period.
    Farmers Vito Gondola, 77, and Michele Terranova, among the 11 arrested on Monday, were key to ensuring messages were transmitted, police allege. Meetings among Mafia members were held only on farms, making it much more difficult to eavesdrop on conversations, said police.
    Messina Denaro, 53, has not been publicly seen in more than 20 years, but an informant last year helped Italian authorities to update their ideas of the Mafia boss's appearance, including the fact he no longer wears eyeglasses and his dark hair has receded.
    Premier Matteo Renzi cheered the arrests in a Facebook post and urged fast action in capturing Messina Denaro himself.
    "I am grateful to the, full speed ahead to capture the fugitive boss," Renzi wrote of Messina Denaro. "Italy is...united against organized crime". The arrests were made in a dawn operation between Palermo and Trapani, with suspects ranging in age from 27 to 77.
    The work demanded well-coordinated action by various police and security experts as "the Mafia remains one unified organization," Palermo's Chief Prosecutor Francesco Lo Voi said at a news conference.
    Messina Denaro also enjoys "a high degree of protection" in Sicily, proven by the fact he has been so well hidden since 1993, authorities added.
    That unity is based on greed, added prosecutor Teresa Principato.
    "Matteo Messina Denaro is a kind of parasite that does not take into account family ties, but makes use of the money that the members of his family and the clan can get him". Added Interior Minister Angelino Alfano in a post on his Twitter feed: "The State wins, the Mafia loses".
    He alleged the 11 arrested had "aided and abetted" Messina Denaro.
    Rosy Bindi, head of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission, called Monday's arrests a "significant success".
    "The operation that led to the dismantling, with 11 arrests, of the network of loyal (Mafia) men who helped the boss of Cosa Nostra to exercise the role of command and preserve its economic power is a significant success...demonstrating the determination of the institutions in the fight against the Mafia," said Bindi.

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