
Five-day-after pill without prescription says AIFA - update2

No mandatory pregnancy test

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, March 25 - The Italian Pharmaceuticals Agency (AIFA) on Wednesday recommended making the so-called five-days-after emergency contraception pill available without a prescription to women who are of age and with a prescription to women under 18. The panel also recommended waiving a proposed mandatory pregnancy test for anyone seeking the pill. The pill prevents unwanted pregnancies by delaying or preventing ovulation if taken within 120 hours, or five days, of unprotected intercourse.
    The health ministry's superior council on health earlier this month recommended making the pill available only with a prescription and only to women who can prove they are not already pregnant.
    The contraceptive manufactured by HRA Pharma was approved in Europe as a prescription medication at the end of 2009.
    A recent survey of 134,000 women by VediamociChiara women's health online magazine showed 93% of respondents believed they should be able to access emergency contraception without a prescription.

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