
Anti-Semitic attacks hit record high in Britain in 2014

1,168 reported cases, says Community Security Trust

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - London, February 5 - Anti-Semitic attacks in the United Kingdom hit a record high in 2014, according to a report released on Thursday by the Community Security Trust, which monitors hate crimes against the Jewish community.
    Reported incidents more than doubled to 1,168 in the highest level since 1984, when hate crimes started being monitored.
    The trust, which also provides security for the British Jewish community, said the conflict between Israel and Gaza was a significant factor behind the surge.
    It registered 314 incidents in July - the highest number ever recorded in just one month.
    Areas most affected by anti-Semitic incidents were London - with 583 cases, up 137% - and Manchester with 309, up 79%.
    Victims were subjected to verbal abuse as well as physical assaults, including eggs thrown from cars at "visibly Jewish people" in public places and assaults on Jewish schoolchildren walking to or from school.

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