
Government must 'adopt' Calabria to crush Ndrangheta: Bindi

Anti-Mafia head urges long term investment campaign for region

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Imperia, July 7 - Italy's government needs "to adopt" Calabria with a constellation of long term investments to combat "deep penetration" of the southern region by the'Ndrangheta crime gang, Anti-Mafia commission president Rosy Bindi said Monday.
    "The government must decide to adopt Calabria," Bindi said during a visit to the northern city of Imperia, "It must do so, reinforcing the police, providing enough magistrates but also through economic and social policy".
    The relationship between the 'ndrangheta and Calabrian society is "a relationship of deep penetration and as such it needs very lengthy work in which the state must commit itself to the hilt," said Bindi, who recently visited Calabria.
    "The state must decide to bring the 'ndrangheta to its knees in Calabria and wherever it spreads its structure," she said.

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