
Italians cut down this Easter

Spending on food, travel lower than last year

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Rome, April 21 - With the effects of the economic crisis still being felt, Italians reduced their spending on food and travel this Easter, according to data released Monday.
    Consumer associations Federconsumatori and Adusbef said that overall spending was 13.8% down on last year, while expenditure on traditional 'colomba' Easter cakes and chocolate eggs dropped 21.5%.
    The associations said the data showed "that the economic situation is having a great effect and families are suffering". Farm organization Coldiretti said most Italians enjoyed the Easter long weekend with family, eating at home rather than spending on restaurants and travel. Almost eight in 10 people chose to dine at home on Sunday, with the traditional Easter lamb presiding over the table at about 40% of households, although a rising number are opting for vegetarian dishes, according to a survey by Ixe research, conducted for the farm organization. "With the vast majority opting for the homemade lunch at home with relatives and friends, but without leaving their city, the result is that this year the total expenditure of Italian families for the Easter menu has dropped," said the organization. Consumers have been hit hard by the deepest recession in Italy since the Second World War, and although the economy has since emerged from recession, unemployment remains at a record high 13% and Italians have been reluctant to spend.

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