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Coronavirus: App, Germany chooses the Google-Apple system

Decentralized approach, opposite to that chosen by the UK

29 April, 14:48
(ANSA) - ROMA, 29 APR - Germany supports the technology proposed by Apple and Google for the covid safe tracking app, therefore preferring a 'decentralized' approach. According to Reuters online, Helge Braun, a doctor, and minister of the German Federal Chancellery, along with Jens Spahn, Health minister, reported in a joint statement that Germany would adopt a decentralized approach. A decision that goes in the opposite direction to that taken by the British Health Service (NHS) which will use its centralized tracking system. The approach of Apple and Google seems to offer more guarantees in terms of privacy and also simplifies the developers' work thanks to specific programming interfaces (API) that help the activation of the tracking contacts for both iPhone and Android devices.


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