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Science: Fantoni, from January 15, proposals for Esof 2020

Operational stage in Trieste, European capital

21 November, 16:41
(ANSA) - TRIESTE - ''Starting from January 15, scientists, researchers, citizens, industrialists coming from the Triveneto Area, and from Central and Eastern Europe have the opportunity to submit proposals in order to participate in Esof, EuroScience Open Forum, in 2020 in Trieste, European capital of science''.

The invitation comes from the physicist Stefano Fantoni, president of Fit, International Foundation Trieste, who spoke at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, in Trieste, the occasion being the opening of Tesi, Trieste encounters on science and innovation, operational stage ahead of Esof, to be held in July 2020. Starting from January 15, the Call for Ideas will be launched in the Triveneto area and Eastern Europe, and this will become the frame of the Proesof program. The selected proposals will be developed and set up starting from the beginning of 2018, until the Esof week. After the presentation, the geneticist Mauro Giacca, general manager of Icgeb, astrophysicist Francesca Matteucci and engineer Vanni Luoghi, professors at the University of Trieste, carried out an inspection - along with a delegation of foreign journalists - of what will be the headquarters of Esof: the hydroelectric power station and Warehouse 26 in the old harbour. ''Science is a prejudice-free activity and does not see any difference between peoples and Esof is an occasion to say it loud. Science lives on doubts but does not know any prejudice: in front of a blackboard we are all the same'', Fantoni concluded.

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