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Happy Birthday Tartini, 332th birthday of Istrian composer

Happy Birthday Tartini, 332th birthday of Istrian composer

Starting Monday, events for 18 months in Italy and Slovenia

TRIESTE, 06 aprile 2024, 20:19

Redazione ANSA



"Happy Birthday, Giuseppe Tartini!": with the concert scheduled for Monday in Trieste's Church of San Silvestro (7 p.m.), as part of the celebrations of the 332nd anniversary of the birth of the Master of Nations, the new Tartini bis project opens, an 18-month-long billboard of cross-border events that picks up the legacy of the project that celebrated the 250th anniversary of the Istrian composer's death.
    Leading the new project is the Tartini Conservatory of Trieste, in an ideal relay with the Municipality of Piran (Slovenia), and then the Benedetto Marcello Conservatory of Venice and the Luigi Bon Foundation; for Slovenia, the Italian Union and the Zeleni Kras Regional Development Agency of Pivka.
    "Happy Birthday, Giuseppe Tartini" titles the concert, conceived on Tartini's stave, with vocal pieces of rare programming such as the Stabat Mater for three voices for 2 sopranos and bass and the Salve Regina for 4 voices for soprano, alto, tenor, bass. On stage will be the Music Ensemble composed of Manuel Staropoli and Noela Ontani on transverse flute, Giovanni Zordan on baroque violin, Manuel Tomadin on organ and Emanuele Ruzzier on cello, joined by the Vocal Ensemble.
    Complementing the Inaugural Concert will be two workshops: in Trieste (Conservatorio Tartini) and Venice (Conservatorio Marcello) April 8 and 9: the goal is to digitize new Tartini sources and systematize documents from the archival section of the discovertartini.eu website


Not to be missed


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