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Expat exec pulls off surprise Greek leftist party win

Expat exec pulls off surprise Greek leftist party win

Stefanos Kasselakis, 35, is a self-styled self-made entrepreneur

25 settembre 2023, 09:27

Redazione ANSA



(ANSA-AFP) - ATHENS, SEP 25 - A little-known former shipping exec and ex-Goldman Sachs trader on Sunday pulled off one of the biggest upsets in Greek political history after winning the leadership of Syriza, the leftist main opposition party.
    Stefanos Kasselakis, 35, is a self-styled self-made entrepreneur who says he wants to promote transparency, boost labour and social rights, speed up justice and eliminate perks for bankers and politicians. Picking up over 56 percent of the vote based on preliminary results, he defeated four other candidates -- three of them prominent Syriza former ministers -- after a whirlwind campaign mostly waged on social media. "We want a Greece where you don't have to hustle to get ahead," Kasselakis said as his campaign took off this month, vowing to "conquer the Greek Dream" and create a "modern Left". Kasselakis was born in Athens but moved to the United States at the age of 14 after winning a school scholarship. According to his CV, he holds international studies and economics degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, speaks five languages, and worked as a volunteer on then-senator Joe Biden's 2008 White House campaign. He subsequently worked at Goldman Sachs as a commodities trader before becoming CEO of UK-based shipowners SwiftBulk Holding.


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